Wednesday 11 January 2017

Main Task: Music Magazine Front Cover Final Product

James Donovan Front Cover (Final)

This is the final version of my front cover.

I decided to use rock as my genre, the style of rock I was looking for was moody and dark. The Central image is a Threshold, I chose red and black because they both add a dark yet artistic use of colour to the cover when used together. The Masthead is supposed to be large, bold and eye catching in order to stand out, all of the mastheads I studied from other music magazines featured a large masthead that went across the top of the page, the best ones (in my opinion) were in 3D, so I added a shadow affect by copying a white version of the masthead and placing it over the black one, this created an effect that added to the theme of the cover as well as made the masthead stand out without looking odd or out of place. I used the same method for my Headline which is smaller and placed in the middle of the page.  I tried to make sure the headline didn't collide with the main parts (the models) of the central image so I placed it where nothing else was placed rather than having empty space. The Cover Lines and Banner are not as bold as the masthead and headline, this is to add contrast between the texts, the uses of fonts and scales make the typography stand out. 

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