Wednesday 11 January 2017

Main Task: Music Magazine Contents Page Final Product

James Donovan Contents Page (Final)

This is my final product for my Contents Page:

For my layout I tried to make this page more organised and 'boxy' instead of the way my other pages were laid out, this makes this page different from the others yet follows the same themes and style as the other pages, this is also laid out similarly to another contents page I have studied, it was highly information based yet was vibrant and colourful. From the feedback I received I tried to make sure I kept a similar colour scheme as the rest of my pages, I added an image which showed that it was a music magazine since the rest of the images in my magazine mostly consist of actors. I made sure the typography was similar to the rest of the magazine (similar fonts, colours and effects) In the end I think this contents page turned out well, It has went through a lot  of changes and has been developed into a contents page suitable for my music magazine. 

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