Friday 20 January 2017

Introduction to breif

James Donovan Introduction to Brief
This is my first introduction to Media, as a subject, since I did not do Media as a subject in my GCSE's. I gained an interest in media because it molds the very shape of our society; Movies and Television and the Entertainment industry make trends and shape our pop culture, News and Politics give information and tell the world whats going on around them. However another reason Media interests me is how it influences ethnic groups and creates division among the people, media is used to spread "news" which is only what they want you people to see, fear and suspicion sells. This heavy influence on information also is used to control people, fuel the flames which is used to get politicians  into higher places, based off of the fear they have created (for example George Bush after September 11th) But media also interests me because it has a large influence on the film and entertainment industry, which is the main reason why I took this course, because of my interest in the movie and acting industry. I also thought that it would be a fun subject, designing magazines and learning how to use the likes of Photoshop could be enjoyable compared to the traditional writing style of most lessons. 

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