Tuesday 17 January 2017

Main Task: Interview with my target audience

Interview with my Target Audience

This interview was taken with Dean Curran and David Hutchings

Front Cover: The first question was about the colour of the cover. It was described as being dark and shady, which suits the theme of my magazine, the use of red was connoted as symbolizing blood or danger. The second question was about the typography. The title and Masthead stand out with the black/white 3D effect, I did this so it would stand out more on the shelves (so it would literally pop out) it suits the cover image with the use of Gothic text and also suits the moody rock theme. Some extra comments included; they both like the use of threshold on my central image, the cover lines could be stronger and bigger and it could look cleaner and more professional. While vague the advice to make the cover more professional was useful since I decided to add a banner to the cover after that, since most covers I studied included a banner (if the masthead didn't cover the very top of the cover)

Double Page Spread;  The first question was about the colour of the pages: it was described as being bland, compared to the rest of my pages which included a lot of colour but the one section of colour placed behind my text was decent and similar to the rest of my pages, I just needed to make it bigger. The Typography doesn't match the rest of the magazine, I believed showing contrast between my pages would allow for the pages to seem more appealing, I was wrong. so I got the same fonts as my front cover and contents page, The images images were nicely edited but needed more with colour, I believe that the black and white images should stay since it suits the theme of the magazine and contrasts the other pages, which both include colour. Because of my feedback I decided to make the red and black pattern behind my text bigger, changed the position of one of my images as well as changed the font of my title to the same as my  front cover (or something similar)

Contents Page; Firstly the colour matches the rest of my magazine and was used effectively to separate different texts as well as made the background more appealing, but the red box (behind one of my texts) felt out of place since there was a red/black pattern placed behind it, so i made the text bold and white so it would be easier to see in front of the pattern. The typography was good since they were similar to the front cover but the contrast between the texts doesn't suit the page well, the titles are good and similar to cover, since they also include a 3D effect which makes the page stand out. The images create atmosphere and show that its a music magazine well as well as shows the genre due to the colour effect on guitar (coloured guitar with a black and white background behind it)

1 comment:

  1. Well done James, really good analysis. Can you show the images too please as it really will assist visually.
    Show before & after images and it will lead to level 3 response.
    Mrs McD-H
