Wednesday 11 January 2017

Main Task: Music Magazine Double Page Spread Final Product

James Donovan Double Page Spread (Final)

This is the Final product of my Double Page Spread

I started with my Image, I decided to keep with the same theme as my front covers central image by making the image a Threshold, but this time I made the image black and white to make it different from the cover. I also made my title try to stand out as much as possible, without it colliding with the text and images. So I made one part of the title 3D (like the masthead on the cover) but the other part in colour and 2D, this is to add contrast in the typography, it is also similar to another double page spread that I studied, this page featured a title that was a quote from the artist featured in their magazine, their titles typography was also similar to my title since it also had contrasting fonts and colours in each word. For my text I featured an interview with the artist featured in the main image, to make it stand out I originally placed black boxes behind the text but it wasn't appealing to the eye and looked out of the place from the rest of the page, instead I created my own pattern in Photoshop out of red and black brush presets, this was to make the boxes similar to the colour scheme on the cover.  

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