Tuesday 2 May 2017


Feminism is originally the movement that fights for equality between men and women.
The feminist movement began in the 19th century, this is known as First Wave Feminism, where women protested against the inequalities women faced in the 19th century, such as being denied education, being forced into marriage and only being allowed low rank jobs like factory work or being a servant/maid (if they were lucky)
During WW2 women had to work in factories and farms making supplies for the soldiers, through the majority of the 1900s women fought for equality with men in terms of pay, work and respect. They soon got there wish in most parts of the modern world. woman can now work in any job (provided they have the qualifications) women can receive high end education such as university, woman can marry whoever they choose and keep custody of their children if they divorce their husband.
However modern day Feminism has become more a protest for advantages against men, people believe it when they pull the "Equality" card because of feminisms progressive history. There is a common myth which a lot of people believe known as the gender pay gap, where men are payed more than women. However this has been debunked countless times by bankers, accountants and other economic majors. Feminists ignore facts of occupation, hours worked, taxes and other factors that effect every person differently, instead they yell "OPRESSION" Not only that, it is illegal to pay someone less for doing the exact same job under the same conditions.
Modern day feminism has become more of an "eye for an eye" movement rather than a movement for equality; Men, Whites, Straights and other majorities or ethnic groups that haven't face oppression based on their ethnicity in the past are demonised as the problem in society.

Image result for milo stewart meme

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